Being a first time mom, I know that I have a HUGE learning curve, but I felt like I was as prepared as I was ever going to be to have a child. I read several books, I went to all the classes, I was involved a group with pregnant women, and new moms, and […]
Author Archives: Mrs. McShmooperson
8 months
8 month stats….. As you can see from the pictures, Kait is crawling and pulling herself up and LOVING every minute of it! She had her first plane ride and made it all the way to Pennsylvania for the Watermire family reunion! (side note: I will never again to “baby on lap” for a plane ride….this […]
7 months
…Ok…so this was supposed to be posted on 5/29 and I am just now getting around to it now. Tis the life of a mom…things on my “to-do” list usually take me over a month to actually get done. So here’s to 7 months!! Here are some fun stats from the last months of my baby […]
Bathing in Ice
I recently described my last year (May 09-May 10) to my mom as feeling like someone threw me into an ice bath and said “K – enjoy your new life! See ya!” And I was left screaming “No – you don’t understand, I am used to a WARM bath, not ice. Please – can you […]