7 months

…Ok…so this was supposed to be posted on 5/29 and I am just now getting around to it now. Tis the life of a mom…things on my “to-do” list usually take me over a month to actually get done.

So here’s to 7 months!!

Here are some fun stats from the last months of my baby girl.

She learned to scoot around; which means that baby gates, and locks and everything baby proofing went into effect at casa de McSchmoopers.

She is now eating 2 solid meals a day, and will eat just about anything. She’s not so sure how she feels about straight fruit, though, but will sure scarf it down if it comes with rice cereal!

She got TWO teeth (on the bottom) and you EARNED them – wow for teething! 🙂

We have graduated from bathing in the sink to the bath-tub, because someone learned how to splash at Papa and Nana’s house! I am not sure who gets more soaked during bathtime, mom or baby!

Still in size 2 diapers, but already growing out of 6 month jammies!

She has ALMOST figured out how to sit up on her own, but can’t quite do it all on her own for a long period of time.

She recognizes her name, and SMILES at it.

Gigggles with absolute delight at very wierd things (like herself in the car seat, and mommy saying nonsensical things when we are eating!).

Still is not a cuddler, and would like to be on the go ALL the time.

She is starting show some signs of seperation anxiety when she is held by someone other than either mommy or daddy.

Published by Mrs. McShmooperson

dancing, shouting, cleaning, working, toddlering, worshipping