My mind reels every time I think of my baby turning 1 year old – only a few short weeks and she won’t be my babe anymore, but my TODDLER. When she was first born, I felt like a year was an eternity away, and it really blows my mind that in mere weeks we will be reaching that milestone. I never thought that I would ever be in so much love with one little pint sized person than I am with my baby girl. She is truly an amazing and wonderful child that lights up my (and her father’s) world every moment. Kaitlin is in complete “discovery zone” mode almost every second of the day. The play pin is now too confining and she wants to explore everything! We got to go to the beach this month for the first time and she was obsessed with the wet sand (we even let her go “naked baby” – which she was even more thrilled with!). Dog bowls, water, dirt, grass, wood chips, drawers, diapers, empty water bottles and anything else that she can get her hands on

she loves. And, in the most exiciting news that happened this month – the little peanut has started WALKING!! I just can’t believe that she is already on the go. The in-laws were in town for this month, so it was really special that they were able to witness her first steps and watch her develop into a walking machine! Some more of her new tricks are she says “tra-la-la-la” when you sing to her, she puts her hand up to her ear when you say “hello Kaitlin!” and can also understand “yes”. Ahhh – she is learning something new every day, and everyone who meets her just says that she is very intelligent and bright (but I already knew that! 😉 ). Getting pictures of her at this stage is getting increasingly harder. She does do a “cheese” face, but is usually on the go when doing it and the pictures come out blurry! She truly is the light of our lives and I love the little person she is growing into be.
xoxo Kait – happy 11 months!
Published by Mrs. McShmooperson
dancing, shouting, cleaning, working, toddlering, worshipping
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