The last day of November was Mr. McS’s last day of work. We knew that this day was probably going to come sooner than later since there had been rumors floating around his office that they were moving his team down to L.A. and only the top agents was going to go down with them (Mr.McS was the second to top agent there for over 2 years…but that’s beside the point…). His last day of work was bitter-sweet. Knowing that we no longer had to take Kait to daycare every day, but instead Mr. S. was going to be able to be home with her was a huge relief for me. Just knowing that she is with someone who loves her so much and can get all of the one-on-one attention that she needs, that was the sweet part. It was bitter because he had been working his tail off for the company for over 3 years working his way up and doing really great work for the company, and it felt like they were just throwing him out like yesterdays news, and that is hard on any ego, much less the male ego. And ofcourse bitter because it is a struggle for us financially and we find it hard to make ends meet at times.
But at the end of day, I know that this time that our girl is getting with her Daddy is so uniquely special to the two of them. This time will make their bond that much stronger as years go by. When I come home from work, I can see that they have this special relationship between the two of them, an unspeakable special bond that only the two of them share. I can’t help but think of how lucky our little girl is to have this man as her Daddy. How lucky we are that everything happened the way that it did. I have nothing but love for my Stay.At.Home.Daddy.