Life Abundant

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

I crave a full life, a life abundant. To live my life to be everything that God created me to be. Mr. McS and I begun a journey to a new life almost a year ago. We both felt led to do something, be something BETTER than what we were doing. We were both getting tired of just simply living; working to live, and living to work. We both felt like we had more to give, more to be than just the dull, ho-hum of a life that we were living. So, what did we do, we prayed, and we prayed, and we prayed seperately,a nd we prayed together. We prayed that the Lord would reveal to us what HIS will for our lives was. The journey has been overwhelming and tough, it has called us to the alter more times than I can count, it has strengthened us indvidually and as a couple, and it is leading us to a new and full life that we bubbling with excitement over!! I can’t divulge all of the details just yet, but stay close because big announcements will be coming soon!!

The Lord has created every one of us very specifically and for His purpose (Romans 8:28), HOW FREAKIN AWESOME IS THAT?! That the Lord who created the heaven and the earth, who created Eve from Adam (more on this subject later, too!) wants us to have life to its full. The tricky part is actually following-through with His plan for us, or just-doing it! We need to be ready and open for Him to speak to us at any given moment and when He does speak just be ready to jump because He will catch you with open arms to lead you on!

Lord THANK YOU for giving me life and giving to me abundantly, my cup overfloweth!!

Published by Mrs. McShmooperson

dancing, shouting, cleaning, working, toddlering, worshipping