9 months

2/3rds of year!! Everyone told me that babies grow up so fast, but it rings truer and truer as the months tick by…I mean in only 3 short months Kaitlin will have her 1st birthday – that is just complete craziness!! I know I say this every month, but every month it feels like I fall in love with her deeper and depper. She is a GREAT kid, with TONS of energy. I am quickly having to learn how to put on a diaper any which way (forwards, backwards, sideways, standing up , sitting down…fight, fight, fight!) The child HATES diaper changes right now. Sitting still in one place for more than 30 seconds is apparently TORTURE to her – she wants to be on the move! This month, we have gone to more finger foods and have introduced plums, watermelon, peaches, tomatoes, and her latest favoite….Cherrios!! Yumm!! Put a couple of cherrios in front of this girl and it will make her happy for a LONG time. She has figured out how to actually walk in her walker, and will sprint toward any cat or dog around (oh – and she gets a kick out of running into your ankles as fast as she can!). MS and I just crack up at her when she is in her walker – she LOVES the thing. She hasn’t made any more sounds, but has started to “share” her toys. She is into putting her paci from her mouth to momma’s mouth, to her mouth again and back and forth, back and forth. Two more teeth came in (her two front ones). We still have our same bed-time routine, and when I rock her she sticks her free hand in my mouth (or up my nose…whichever) to try and see where the singing is coming from.

Happy 9 months my baby girl!! I love you oh-so-much!!

Published by Mrs. McShmooperson

dancing, shouting, cleaning, working, toddlering, worshipping