8 month stats…..
- As you can see from the pictures, Kait is crawling and pulling herself up and LOVING every minute of it!
- She had her first plane ride and made it all the way to Pennsylvania for the Watermire family reunion! (side note: I will never again to “baby on lap” for a plane ride….this was a nightmare. All she wanted to do was be on the ground crawling!! Trying to keep her in my lap for 4 hours was not so great for mommy & daddy. Not to mention that the flight attendants were not to helpful when I had to change the her – they told me I had to wait until they were done with their beverage service. I told her she was out of her mind, and she let me go through. I guess a screaming poopy baby can be pretty persuasive – needless to say, we will buy a seat for her and take her car seat so we can strap the child down!).
- “dada” was your first consonant sound. MS was thrilled, because I have been practicing for MONTHS now to get her to say “mama”, but I told him that it didn’t count yet because it wasn’t recognition. I am still holding out for “mama” as her first words!
- We tried puffs this month, and I was scared to death that she was going to choke on them, but she did pretty good and now LOVES them.
- She is still sleeping through the night and on Saturdays she even sleeps in (which makes both mommy and daddy very happy!)
- She is just an excellent baby, and she is getting more fun every day! So many people comment on what a great baby she is (and we do feel really lucky to call her ours!)